Thursday, September 27, 2007


(Written on 27/9/2007-that was the initial title)

Sitting in my office

I furiously type on, desperate for a distraction
The hammering in my head grows louder.
I gulp down a little cold water
Listen to some soft music
Try to relax my brain.
Nothing works.
The effects of having a peg too many
Threatens to puncture my mind
I cry to God for deliverance
Atone, for all sins ever committed in my life;
I run off to the restroom
And open the tap on my head
After a while, the prayers and the cold water
Seem to do the trick
The pain subsides
And as I walk back to my desk
My mind is filled with the reverie
of the dazzling night to come
and of the colourful goblets and flagons.


Harini Padmanabhan said...

man.. you must have been real drunk! on a weekday too!

AP said...

ur poem cites out the advantages of boozing....
so guyz dont flunk...
get drunk...!!!!