Monday, August 28, 2006

Gift of perseverance

The wind has blown away the clouds;
The tree, though withered, stood its ground.
Tall, as ever;
Rising now, to face the Sun,
It's rays touching his heart.


The Darkest night ever;
When all seemed lost
The knight sank to his knees
Broken, shattered;
The hour of despair;
When suddenly
The clouds somewhat parted
And the moon shone across his face
Touched his heart
And he, uttered a soft prayer
Stood up, unsheathed his sword
For the battle to redemption. 


The boat, small but sure
Of itself
Embarked on a distant journey
Only to find
The turbulent ocean and the tempest
That threatened to sink it,
To veer it off course;
The boat survived, only to find
It had been anchored
That saved its life, its purpose;
The boat continued on its journey.
The anchor remained unthanked.