I have barely been 10 hours in this place and there is only one word that comes to my mind: Awesome!!
In the 3 hours that I have been out of my hotel (and the 7 that I have been in it), I have (not in any order):
1. Had beef by accident
2. Come across a hooker
3. Seen a motorcycle gang in live action
4. Seen a couple make out in the open- in Madison Avenue!!
5. Have been welcomed to the US by half a dozen people- most of whom barely know me!
6. Discovered that it is possible to have 5 degree celsius temperature even at noon under a blazing sun (Apperances can be deceptive)
7. That days can be as short as 9.5 hours- from 7 in the morning to 4:30 in the evening!!
Will update more as I get to know this place!
:D Where are the updates?!
wow :O
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