Monday, June 30, 2008


Bruised ego
Tattered pride
Broken hopes
Futile dreams
Scarred memories
Faithless love
Empty bottles
Cigarette stubs
A cocked revolver
Awaits the russian roulette.

Saturday, June 14, 2008


The cloud, touched by the moonlight to his core
Longs for her
Blissfully unaware
That his quest for her is to remain unfulfilled

Lost & Love

Ravished, scorched
To dust
By the merciless gaze
Of the summer sun
But now, relief has arrived
In the form of rains
Soon flowers would bloom

Rise again!

The darkest night ever,
When all seemed lost
The Knight sank to his knees
Broken, shattered;
The hour of despair;
When suddenly
The clouds somewhat parted
And the moon shone across his face
Touched his heart
And he, uttered a soft prayer
Stood up, unsheathed his sword
For the battle to redemption


They soaked the ground with their blood
So that others may live
May reap their blood-soaked harvest.
Heroes of the nation;
While the nation basks in their glory
In a corner
A famished orphan and a sick widow
Shed tears


I stood before myself
in nervous anxiety
Waiting for my judgement.

My eyes combed every inch of my body
That's routine-
To make sure I hid nothing.

Then started the interrogation
Attempting to crush me
But I held on:

And thus was pronounced the verdict,by me;
Unto myself;
Accompanied by a warning;
I was an innocent man again.


The veil of mist covers the centuries
A forgotten past, from another era;
Concealed, safe, in a labyrinth.
Even the devil was human once
Before his fall was caused.

One's demons are one's own
A scarred background, unknown;
An album, smeared with blood;
A fairytale, where the sun never rises
Over the gory nightmare.

No hope, no redemption
Only vengeance and hatred
Even the heart throbbed with compassion
Before hatred conquered it
And man became animal.


The lame taste of water in your mouth
When you just thought
You were going to taste blood;
The feel of cold water, into your face-
Just when you thought you were flying
And wake up to realise you are sinking
In your own dark, hollow, watery grave;
You clutch at the moon
And open your palms
Only to find a fistful of sand;
You set yourself ablaze,
And instead of the perfume of sweet success
All you smell is you own overburnt flesh;
Your indomitable castle
Of pride, of honour, strength and confidence
Crumbling into nothingness;
When, in the race to vindicate yourself
You only manage to bruise yourself;
When, in the battle of nerves,
All you manage to do is to snap your's,
Is all lost?

The phoenix never burns himself out
But rises from the ashes, glorious as ever;
What is an eagle, that doesn't soar high
After suffering initial setbacks?

The sun has only eclipsed
It will come out from the dark again
Blazing in its own Glory.

The Invincible

The horizon darkens
As I look at it;
A storm wages.
The ocean before me is rough,
But I am not afraid.

The sun's set, as always
And the sky is overcast.
It would rain soon.
But I don't feel cold, for
The rain can only rekindle the fire in me.

I have waited for Aeons
For the sun to rise
Prayed, that the night would end
Oblivious, that each blow I took
Made me only stronger.

The night is my ally
And my weaknesses, my strength
And as I tread unknown paths
I know I'd never fall.


When the bliss of the heaven
Gave way to the stark reality
Went up in flames; Became inferno;
The rose, in the unbearable pain
from the flames that engulfed it
Screamed out in agony
To be heard by no one
The fire, unaware
that the rose was red
from the blood of a heart
Ate it up.


In the great hall
Except for his breathing
Not a wind, to disturb him
Not a soul, to call out to him,
To wake him, from his deep slumber
Lasting through aeons
While the world went about
Its routine business
Forgetting about their long awaited messiah;
But now their body stirs
And the blood-red eyes open
As the hand slowly moves
Towards the sheathed sword.

The Book of Life

Words from the heart: spoken, unspoken;
Feelings, that can't be put down in words;
Memories, faded, blurred;
Which I still try to cling on to;
I am no hero.
And my stories don't always end
in glory for me.
But still I turn the pages of life
Trying to finish
My unfinished chapters.